Se trata de la publicación oficial de la American Group Psychotherapy Association.
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy
Vol. 60, Number 2, April 2010
Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Piper, W.E., Joyce, A. S., Lau, M. A., Sochting, I., (2010). A survey of Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association Members’ Perceptions of Psychotherapy Research. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):159-76.
Lau, M.A., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Joyce, A. S., Sochting, I., (2010). Bridging the Practitioner-Scientist Gap in Group Psychotherapy Research. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):177-96
Gans, J.S., Counselman, E.F., (2010). Patient Selection for Psychodynamic Group Psychotherapy: Practical and Dynamic Considerations. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):197-220
Shechtman, Z., Mor M., (2010). Groups for Children and –Adolescents with Trauma-Related Symtoms: Outcomes and Processes. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):221-44
Macnair-Semands, R.S., Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Joyce, A. S., (2010). Structure and Initial Validation of a Short Form of the Therapeutic Factors Inventory. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):245-81
Readers’ Forum
Cocannon, C., (2010). The Mystery and the Magic of the Group: What Happens Here That Happens Nowhere Else. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):283-93
Stockton, R., Morran, K., (2010). Refletions on Practition-Resar her Collaborative Inquiry. Int. J. of Group Psychotherapy. 60(2):295-305
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